Dressing up Safely: Selecting Non-Toxic Face Paints and Costumes

Discover the secrets to a safe Halloween with our guide on choosing non-toxic face paints and costumes. Dive into essential tips for prioritizing health without compromising the festive fun. Gear up for a celebration where safety meets spookiness!

Reid Doughty

10/28/20232 min read

Gone are the days when the only thing parents had to worry about was whether their child’s pirate hat was sturdy enough or if the witch’s broomstick looked realistic enough. Nowadays, ensuring a safe Halloween for your child means looking deeper—literally, under the skin.

The Hidden Perils of Halloween

Many face paints and costumes available in stores contain a slew of chemicals that may not be safe, especially for children with sensitive skin. These can range from lead, a potent neurotoxin, to known allergens and irritants. While tiny amounts of these substances might not pose immediate harm, they can cause allergic reactions, long-term skin issues, and other health concerns.

Spotting Safe Face Paints

  • Check the Labels: Opt for face paints labeled as "non-toxic." But remember, "non-toxic" doesn't always mean "safe for skin." It's best to go for products specifically meant for the face and body.

  • Natural Options: Consider brands that use natural ingredients. They might be a tad more expensive but are often safer and gentler on the skin.

  • Patch Test: Before painting your child's entire face, apply a small amount on the inside of their wrist and wait for about 30 minutes. If no reaction occurs, it's likely safe to use. The chance of an allergic reaction is very small, however, the US Food and Drug Administration has very little power to regulate the safety of cosmetic ingredients.

Choosing Safe Costumes

  • Flame Resistant: Ensure the costume is labeled flame-resistant. While this doesn’t mean they won’t catch fire, they will resist burning and should extinguish quickly.

  • Avoid Sharp Accessories: Opt for rubber or soft plastic accessories instead of anything sharp or hard. This reduces the risk of accidental injuries.

  • Correct Size: A costume that's too long can be a tripping hazard. Ensure the costume is the right fit for your child. Consider trimming the bottom if needed.

Wrapping Up

Halloween is all about fun, creativity, and a tiny bit of spookiness. By choosing non-toxic face paints and safe costumes, you're not just ensuring a happy Halloween, but a healthy one too!

Remember, the key is to be informed and to always prioritize safety without compromising the fun. Here’s to a Halloween where the only scares are the ones you choose!